PARTNERS FOR A LIFE: Creating my reality with my significant other

16 10 2019

I’ve been married to Antonio for nine years.

When we made the decision, we had been dating for three months and we were both running away from and didn’t know that.

We were 2 30-year-olds lost around the world and we didn’t want to be alone anymore, so we started, with no idea what that meant, a life together.

We started by following the path that was supposed to take us to happiness: work, money, marriage, children, more work, more money…

But something had to go wrong because what we found or believed was quite far removed from my idea of happiness.

I was constantly complaining about him: that he didn’t understand me, that he didn’t help me, that I was just thinking about him, that He was selfish, that he didn’t treat me the way I deserved…

When motherhood came into our lives it was devastating, especially the second time, so I started looking for answers and solutions. I didn’t want to go on like this, I could have settled down and thought that many and many were worse off than me, but the truth is that that has never comforted me.

So, I set out on my path of development and personal discovery and we were both really scared.

I, of changing, my whole reality would fade, that I would be left alone because my husband couldn’t stand me, that my friends thought I was a freak or let my family down.

And him, because I had no idea what I was going to become.

But step by step we realized that the changes could only be better and that it is the people around us who benefit the most when we started to shine.

Every time I’ve transformed a belief that limited me, I’ve opened the door for him to transform in some way, though that’s right, we never know if that’s going to happen or exactly how.

The result is that step by step we grow, mature and create our reality together.

My husband is the tangible and living proof that when I change, everything changes around me.

I don’t mean to change what I don’t like about him anymore. Now I see him, I watch him, and I go in search of the lesson he has for me, I learn it and I follow my path, by his side, as the life partner I have chosen.

We think that when we change we’re going to have to throw away everything that we’ve built with so much effort for so many years and that we’re going to have to start from scratch, but the truth is that change only takes us where we want to go , allows us to simply take the helm and decide where to turn.

When I began to wonder and investigate, I was able to discover my riad of inherited gender beliefs from the collective subconscious that were active in my subconscious mind and transformed, has allowed me to discover that I did not have to give up my sexuality or to have a pleasant sex life with my husband.

I realized that I had spent my whole life giving up one part of me to have another, tucking under the carpet everything I couldn’t cope and trying to make up for it with the rest.

I stopped giving up quiet my voice to keep calm and stability at home when I understood that only by acknowledging my truth and expressing it could I really listen to and value yours.

You can imagine how our relationship has changed and my husband’s state of happiness especially since the liberation of my sacred chakra. So much so, that Antonio recommends to  all his friends that his wives make BE YOUR BEST    urgently.

But not only does it have to do with sex, I have discovered that we can unlock very deep beliefs in terms of abundance, in terms of the role of women and men in our home and in society and of course our role as parents.

I never imagined that Antonio could change as he has, I never allowed myself to desire a relationship like the one I can enjoy today, nor did I know that having a companion to walk through life was something I deserved.

I keep being surprised every day of what we created together and really doing magic.

We don’t usually give each other gifts, they usually label us as stale for it, but today I dedicate this story to it to show me that a man is never the enemy, nor the opposite to defeat, we are together in this and it is our birthright to walk the easy and simple way , though, like everything, it’s always our decision.

And in honor of this great lesson and my companion who has helped me learn it, I created this online course:


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